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25mm Yellow acrylic crystal ball
5.44oz/cup - Apprx 98 pieces of 34mm x 10mm acryli
5.12oz/cup - Apprx 115 pieces of 35mm x 5mm acrylic ice crystal iridized
5.12oz/cup - Apprx 305 pieces of 24mm x 7mm acrylic ice crystal
5.12oz/cup - Apprx 94 pieces of 32mm x 11mm acrylic ice crystal
25mm x 16mm acrylic ice crystal
25mm AMBER acrylic crystal ball
25mm Clear acrylic crystal ball
25mm Blue acrylic crystal ball
25mm Green acrylic crystal ball
25mm Hot pink acrylic crystal ball
25mm Purple acrylic crystal ball
25mm Red acrylic crystal ball
25mm TEAL acrylic crystal ball
25mm Violet acrylic crystal ball
8mm Acrylic pearl beaded flower 100pcs
8mm Acrylic pearl beaded heart 100pcs
8mm Acrylic pearl beaded star 100pcs