MGT5016 Wooden Block Set
Qty=1pc Wooden Block Set FREE SHIPPING
SKU: MGT5016
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Vintage wooden block set helps children with brain development.  Past generations knew the power of these classic toys!  Challenge your infant at a young age with shape recognition exercises such as this.  Studies have shown the sooner you introduct vintage wooden block sets with shapes and holes to fit the shapes, the sooner they become nobel prize winners*.  In fact, 9 out of 10 nobel prize winners were presented with this very toy at a very early age.  Help your child on his way to the nobel prize with this captivating and deliriously fun children's toy.  16 wood block pieces, 4 shapes, one heck of a good time!

*Odds of nobel prize awards are NOT guaranteed, and we can't promise any nobel prize awards, and no such studies were ever done that we can cite here, but they SHOULD be!  Find out for yourself with a study of your own, find out if a nobel prize is in your child's future!  Increase the odds with a rousing game of "fit the shape in the correctly shaped hole".  They'll know what to do!  Watch in wonder and awe as your child figures out the mysteries of the universe, one block at a time in front of your very eyes!

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