Everyone loves heart, right? Who can blame you they are beautiful and somber representations of the love we feel towards other people. These gems shaped like hearts are beautiful ways of showing and representing that love. With a classic red color that echoes what we normally think about a heart along with the high quality materials used to make these gems make this a worthwhile purchase and a unique one. Along with the quality these gems are economical at the same time and the glass build and colored design make them worth having and better to buy in bulk.
Glass Marbles and Nuggets --- Free Shipping to all U.S. Addresses
RED Marbles or nuggets $3.50/pound, minimum 6 bags, any size & color --or 1 Lb. $8.09
or --- $2.33 per pound, minimum 30 pounds, same size & color only
or --- handmade at $1.80 per group, minimum 6 groups, any size & color
McGills the warehouse with the reputation for low prices on quality product
Click ADD TO CART button below to purchase or CLICK HERE for other Marbles