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DIAMOND POLISHING PADS click here to see all the best deals
How to buy polishing pads
If you first go to that great web site where most go let's see what you will find. We will use the search term "Polishing pads". clicking on the first one up will get you information from the guy who paid the most to be on top of the list, which is about $2.50 or more per click. We just cost that company some money just for our click. Not counting all his competitors that clicked on him to see what he was charging, and who do you think is paying for all those clicks? Yes you are. What we got was 55 items they were selling for as much as $300, yet we still could not find the price for a single diamond polishing pad. Let's start over and put the search term up for "Diamond polishing pads". That did not get what we wanted so we will be more specific we will use "4 inch wet diamond polishing pads" Let's see what that gets? They want us to change it to "diamond polishing pads 4 inch wet" We cooperate and viola the first list says they have 5 items for sale and they are all 5 inch not 4inch, yet finally way down the page there are listings for 4 inch. For $45 you can get 11 + 1 backer pad and they say "Best Value" Then they start on 5 inch again. After 10 minutes of searching, to summarize, it seems someone quoted a price of $9.99 and someone said theirs was 2.5 mm high.
Lets analysis what we found: First someone spent a lot of money to get you to buy products other than the "4 inch wet diamond polishing pads" we were looking for and they think you should buy it because they said it was "Best Value", and or 2.5 mm high.
Sales personnel think we are stupid. The thickness of the pad has nothing to do with the quality of the pad. What makes the pad work is the quality and quantity of diamonds and very few, if any, companies will tell you about that. In 10 years of looking for both diamond saw blades and diamond polishing pads I only know of 2 companies that disclose this information and the other company charged much more than www.mcgillswarehouse.com.
Yes our 4 inch pad has 30 carets of diamonds. Ask your current supplier as I asked a customer to do who was considering our product and when he called back he said his current supplier could not answer that question.